(16 Nov 19) by H J Pugh & Co.When approached by the Transport Museum in late 1993, Telecom readily agreed to make a Bedford TK Gang Truck available for preservation. Bedford TK cab in Vintage and Classic Commercials, Cars, Tractors, Horse Draw. Seller Feedback scores exclude classified listings. There is no bidding on this item, so contact the seller for more information. Hi has anybody got a starter motor for a bedford tk 220 engine either type of solonoid please thanks Craig Contact at -bedford tk cab | eBay bedford tk cab Comes with spare cab also Condition: Used Classified ad price: £1,250.00 Contact the seller: 0 7 Make offer Contact seller Watch this item This is a classified ad listing. Bedford tl turbo, 1984, 3 horse box no living, cab and chassis are in very good order,tested nov 05 2,500,sterling Contact at 01437 891919 Horsebox - Parts Wanted Ad.

The TL range was available with a choice of petrol or diesel engines to suit every use. The TL range was heavily based on the earlier TK range, but the TL benefitted from a tilt cab facility which was a huge boon in terms of maintenance access. mercedes sat nav update cost The TL range of light trucks were launched by Bedford in 1980. Tags: Everybody's photos tagged with bedford trucks . Hulcote Milton Keynes MK17 8BW England Tel: 0044 (0)1908 586496 e mail: large.